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Kidds & GO

When to start teaching little kidds in GO ?

Many parents, dads and mums who play on their own Go ask the seriously question: “When is it the right time to bring very little kidds into contact with the game?

The answer: As different examples show in Asia its no problem to bring kidds 3+ in kindergarden into contact with GO. Naturally they learn it very differently from adults or teenagers do. Its a very playfully way. And it all depends on the skills of the teacher.

I give you a link to infos about the “teaching method” of Japanese GO master Yasuda Yasutoshi (Japanese 9Pro Dan, born 1964) who is promoting GO teaching for kidds worldwide under the headline “GO as Communication: The educational and therapeutical value of GO“.

He wrote a book, too you can buy at Slate & Shell Press. (Rec.: It is given cost free from the AGA (American Go Association) for Go teachers who like to use it in schools/kindergardens.)
Go As Communication

Here a free PDF extract about Yasuda’s method, very informative and enjoyable to read:

Same available in French as “Le go, un outil de communication” (see Amazon)

Yasuda is a very nice guy, here playing with kidds a simultan game in Marseille… (source: Go Club Valreas)

Shortly had been founded the European Go Teacher Association (EGoTA). Official website: http://www.goteachers.eu

They had been a three days qualification workshop for Go teachers (beside the Kido Cup)  going in Hanseatic City Hamburg from 7th till 9th June 2014, where I live. Here some pics…

Go at school as a good future in Germany with the new qualified Go teachers… congrats !

The EGoTa is getting heavily support from Korea, e.g. the participants get an official Certificate from Myungji University. Prof. Jeong Soo-hyun (9 Dan) gave a lecture about “The Theory and Methods of Baduk Education“.
(You find an interview with Prof. Soon-Hyun about “Management Wisdom from GO” here.)

Same In-Seong Hwang (8Dan) gave a lecture, who is National Go pedagogue of French National Go Assication and Go teacher of Swiss Go Association.

I know Inseong personally and I think, he is a good address to contact him personally as he knows very well European culture. You can catch him easily on his Facebook profile to get some concrete answers about your questions from a GO Pro.

Many good things with Go are going in Europe, so I see it… it gives hope that more and more kidds get in contact in kindergardens, schools, Universities… nothing bad with it, isnt ? 🙂

About LinuxGooo

I am a real Go Beginner… but I like to learn and have fun with. And I fell in love with playing for influence (mainly San-RenSei fuseki, Cosmic style) as white and black. … 26th Jan 2014 I started on KGS (as 6-7kyu since Sept), another global GO Server on the web. On 4th March 2014 I registrated on OGS (Online Go Server). In July I began to play on Korean servers, on Tygem (10kyu) and on Wbaduk (11kyu). If possible by time, I like to have reviews and analysis of my games, which helps to progress (beside observing/Kibitzing Dan games). – My special thanks go to different KGS teachers/players for audio lectures and individual reviews: Dsaun (N.Y.), Battusai, TapJoshua (4D), Troll (2D), MXHero (5D), Shygost (3D), Mingjiu Jiang (7P)… not to forget all the other KGS players who offered me their knowledge and shared their personal experiences. My special tks go to Dsaun for his audio lecture “Shape” (on 22nd Febr 2014) which was the first step into a systemtical learning. Currently I study with www.321go.org and with the first GO book: “Graded Go Problems for Beginners” (Vol. 1-4) by Kano Yoshinori. Volume 1: Introductory Problems Volume 2: Elementary Problems VOlume 3: Intermediate Problems Volume 4: Advanced Problems For individual “offline training” I experimented with and use different bot programmes: Aya 6.34 (1k), Oakfoam GNU Go 3.8 and Zenith 4.4. better known as Zen (5k-5D) (Rec.: Running these bots I use as front end (Goban) Drago.) For editing/rediting SGF files the programme MultiGo 4 is suitable. Have fun behind the board…


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